Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Japan And USA Experience Cultural Impasse.

--Japan Today--

Today, a US Admiral visiting Japan spent an excruciating 84 minutes standing on stage with the Japanese Prime Minister as the asian nation's leader struggled through the language barrier, repeatedly trying to persuade the American Admiral to please, please, please have a seat.


"...look... just... sit... THERE, would you. For fucks sake. THERE".

"I thought he was trying to shake hands with me for the first 30 minutes" said the US Admiral. "Then I thought he might be asking me to take a seat but couldn't be 100% sure so I just stood there, not wanting to cause offense to my host. Then, for about 20 minutes I thought he was trying to usher me off the stage but, again, I couldn't be sure so I just stood there for a bit longer, awaiting further instructions".


"Would you PLEASE just sit the f*** DOWN, please, you thick seppo f***ing cunt".

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