Q: Is it true that copies of your book are for sale in your APA hotel rooms?
“Hello. Toshio here. What hotel? Hahaha, just little joke. Instead of saying “what rape of Nanking?” joke I say “what hotel?” joke. Haha. It is APA Hotel! My hotel! By the way, what book? HAHAHA, further joke. Yes, book for sale, you buy. Even chinaman can buy! It’s ok! Education is key for ALL chinaman who can see through their slitty little eyes hahaha”
Q: So, your premise is the Rape of Nanking never happened?
“Premise? No, no, I drive Prius.”
Q: What leads you to believe that the Rape of Nanking never happened?
“By the way, did you know that “APA” actually stands for “Always Pleasant Amenity”? Now THAT is true story.”
Q: The Rape of Nanking.
“Sometimes mind of chinaman is like mind of overactive child, they fabricate wild story due to impoverish childhood where their only toy is old rag that entire extended family use for toilet paper on daily basis. One day shit rag is imaginary best friend and precious family heirloom, next day they imagine 300,000 babies getting skullfucked by proud noble Japanese Imperial Army on steps of chingchong parliament as brave Japanese Imperial Army march in lockstep fashion towards Shanghai baroque bordello for comfort women midnight fuckfest? I don’t think so, Mr Wang! Besides, comfort women fuckfest way better at high noon, broad daylight, everyone knows that oooh, shit, hang on, delete that part.”
Q: So, how many actually died at The Rape of Nanking?
“How do you like my profile picture? I have huge hands. Really big. Like Donald Trump.”
Q: Do you expect your book to dissuade tourists from wanting to stay at your hotels?
“Only the tourists who want to sleep on book. Most tourist guests want to sleep on bed. Not sleep on book. Confucius say “you need many books to make a bed.” Confucius was wise Japanese scholar. R.I.P Confucius. By the way, all APA hotel beds are made of my books taped together to make beds. You sleep now chinaman! Sleep on the truth! Sleep forever! Just like Nanking, oh shit, delete that part too”
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