Friday, August 14, 2020

The Handmaid’s Tale Sweeps Comedy Awards

 –USA Today–

The light heartfelt romantic comedy “The Handmaid’s Tale” has made a clean sweep of all the light comedy awards at the Golden Globes TV Awards Ceremony.


Following are the full list of awards the groundbreaking comedy won along with annotated comments from lead judge Mr Harvey Weinstein;

Best Public Hanging Scene in a Light Cosplay Period Comedy.

“Was totally whacking it to this scene.”

Best Institutionalised Denigration of All The Homosexuals in a Light Comedy TV Series.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the fags but if it’s for art it’s ok.”

Best Use of Canned Laughter in a Light Family TV Comedy.

“It really set the mood for the lengthy periods of solitary confinement.”

Best Performance by a Cosplay Rapist in a Light Comedy TV Series.

“I felt so real, like I was right there next in line.”

Best Use of Casual Misogyny in a Cosplay Comedy TV Series.

“It’s not easy to make hating women so seamlessly effortless but they really nailed it here. Haha, ‘nailed””

Best Emotional Manipulation Of A Slut in a Light Comedy TV Series.

“A masterclass in mindfuckery. Easy choice in this category this year.”

Best #Metoo Manfuck by The Patriachy in a Light Comedy Talk Show.

“Confession time; this whole heartfelt light comedy family drama gave me such a stiffy that I invented this whole motherfucken category just for this year #blow_me.”

Best Patriachal Realisation of Latent Utopian Mindfuck Fantasies in a Light Comedy Period Drama.

“They’ve realised a fantastic vision for the future of humanity.”

Best Performance by A Ho Who Was Probably Asking For It Anyway In A Light Comedy Cosplay Drama.

“Location; Fap City Limits. Population; Me.”

Best Unrelenting Misogynistic Cruelty Towards Sluts in a Light Cosplay Comedy. 

“It just never let up! I love how they doubled down on the fun.”

Best Final Solution for The Womenfolk in a Light Comedy TV Series.

“I wish all the light comedy dramas had such a clear vision of the future.”

Best Archival SpankBank Potential in All of Television.

“This will be the gift that keeps on giving down the years, wanking-wise.”

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