Travel Log: Roger Gavaskar
Good evening.
Roger Gavaskar here.
You can call me "Roger."
All of my friends do.
Thought I would avail myself of the technological capabilities of this forum to share my travel log with you all. You see, I had never been in an aeroplane before but my good friend Javed recently talked me into it.
Our trip would take us from Darwin, Australia around Sumatra up through the islands then up to the barren snowy alps of Hokkaido in Japan. We would land for refuelling twice. And yes, Javed does have experience landing as well as taking off, if you please. We were accompanied by an escort craft flown by a seasoned and sober pilot named "Bruce" (from Sydney.) We remain indebted to him for taking time out from his busy Parramatta werehouse business to accompany us and take so many fine, fine photographs.
We set off from Darwin International airport at 0800 hours. Crisp clear weather, we would surely make good time on this day!
Taxiing out to our runway here. "Clean up on aisle 7."
"Breaker, breaker, Roger, copy that."
It's funny because my name is Roger.
I needed to use the restroom quite badly at this juncture.
At this point, to my slight distress, Javed began smoking a marijuana cigarette.
Hope we're not running low on benzine.
Old picture in my camera, either Darwin or the river Euphrates. Probably Darwin.
Gave Javed a pretty stern talking to after this completely
unnecessary show-off bank turn. Last thing we need
are shattered flaggons of loquat wine sherry in the back.
Headed North by North-West, Javed said. What with all the smoke in the cabin, I couldn't see a dashed thing.
Over Darwin now, to the top right you can just make out Tanzania.
Where eagles dare.
That's our plane in the centre.
To the right you can make out the horizon.
Was so moved by this scenery that I had to nip back to the cargo hold to practise my five-fingered Hindu shuffle (I am an amateaur magician.)
Whao! The contrails of a big old jet airliner. I think it's also traveling in the same airspace as we are, but at a higher altitude.
"Special agent Jack Bauer, do you copy??"
Passing over Dr Evils lair now.
These are the Ganges rivers near Palembang, Sumatra.
"Just another loquat sherrrrrry sunriiise."
Up in the islands now. Hairy landing this one, we were both stewed to the gills on loquat sherry at the time.
Javed SAID he learned Landing at flight school.
Take-off the next day. It looks like we're going to hit that little tower but really we're not.
It's a holiday in Cambodia! No need to pack a wife!
Quite a heated discussion between Javed and I as to whether this island resembled the boot of Italy.
Or course it does, Javed, you marijuana addict.
On "Auto Pilot" now. AP that, Roger.
Nose up, Javed, nose up! No time to be playing palm pilot now.
So beautiful. It almost doesn't look real.
At this stage I was remarking that I felt like James Boned.
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