--Japan Today--
The Crown Prince of Japan has today purchased his first-ever Thai hooker.
"I recommend that little tart 3rd from the left, son. That bitch looks like she will gargle your nuts from here to motherfucking Katmandu".
"It's a proud rite of passage in our family" beamed the Crown Prince's father. "I bought my first filthy thai slapper when I was just 13-years old. Then after I fucked her brains out for 17 days straight I got sick of the dumb slag and threw her in our castle's moat. Haha, I'm just kidding with you. I had a footman throw her in the moat."
The Crown Prince, now aged 14, is said to have been "practicing like mad" for the big day of finally getting to bang his first filthy thai slut. "I've been jacking off up to 25 times a day. I can't even fucken see straight most days," confessed the Prince. "I cannot wait to rupture some random thai ho's birth hatch with my massive hairy cock and balls".

"Fuckit boy, let's just buy all of them and I'll plough all the ones you don't want."

"Oh, and one more thing son, whatever you do, don't let the mad slags near the bloody ping pong balls".
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