Saturday, August 8, 2020

Potter Stars to Reunite


The stars of the Harry Potter movie series (pictured below, out of costume) have all agreed to reunite to put together a “very racey” porno flick.

“For the cash” said Potter.

Left-to-right: Potter, Voldemort and Ron Weasley (the ginger bloke)

“Unfortunately we are all blokes” said Potter, “so it looks like this one’ll be a gay porno film. Nude scenes are fine by me though, it’s all part of my art”. Potter, now aged 16, continued “I think we should have some incest scenes with Voldemort as my dad. He was my dad in the Harry Potter films wasn’t he? Or was that Star Wars? Not sure there, barely paying attention to tell you the truth, the Potter films were all a bit rubbish anyway. I haven’t actually seen any of them.”

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